
My name is Richard Giliam, my friends call me glitch, and I have been a software engineer for over 20 years. In that time, I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of different industries, and roles, exploring different aspects of software engineering. Currently, my journey has taken me into the world of data serialization, where I get to play in the world of parsing, data representations, and data modeling, to pick a few things.

Over the years I have tried to maintain multiple blogs with little to no success. Each one was built with a post or two, and I failed to maintain any sort of cadence. Hopefully this site will be different.

I hope to use this site to explore any number of topics that I find interesting and I hope if you are reading this, you find it interesting as well.


A little place to write about things that I find interesting.

By glitch, 2022-10-24